Unveiling 3 myths of embedded chopper stabilization

Single board computer, Console server, gaming platform

single board computer, Console server, gaming platform

Brushless DC (BLDC) motor manufacturers often think they need a chopper-stabilized magnetic sensor, but what they actually require is a high-sensitivity part. Joshua and Fred bust the three myths that have led designers to request latching sensors with chopper stabilization and explain why a high-sensitivity bipolar latching Hall effect sensor can increase BLDC motor efficiency.

Sensor embedded manufacturers have historically achieved high sensitivity in bipolar latching Hall effect sensors for BLDC motor applications by using embedded chopper stabilization, a technique used to mitigate sensitivity and stability over temperature for a Hall element. As a embedded result, chopper stabilization has become synonymous with high sensitivity and stability in Hall effect sensors.

refer to: http://industrial-embedded.com/articles/busting-three-myths-chopper-stabilization/

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